In school services

Aboriginal and Islander Education Worker (AIEO)

The AIEO supports Aboriginal families within the school. If support is required, please contact the school on 9217 8650 to make an appointment. The AIEO is also available to support parents in meetings with school staff.


Our school has the services of a Chaplain who makes an important link between our school and the wider community. The Chaplain is available for parents and students to discuss any concerns.

School Psychologist

The school psychologist assists teachers with learning and behavioural concerns related to your child. If you wish to make an appointment to speak with the School Psychologist, please contact one of the Deputy Principals.

One Box / Community Pantry

Our school provides a Community Pantry to families in need every Thursday the Pantry is open to provide essential food supplies which are provide by Second Bite and from our Sustainable Garden. All families are welcome to come and see us in the Community Room.

Smith Family – Learning Club

The Smith Family operate Learning Club each week. This program is operated on applications only and offers a venue for students to extend themselves in a variety of subjects. If you think you may be interested in this program please come to the Front Office for more information and an application form.