East Maddington Primary School is situated in Maddington on a 3.91 hectare site which includes a Child and Parent Centre, a Language Development Centre and a Dental Therapy Unit. The school includes two primary classroom blocks, four purpose built Early Childhood classrooms, a purpose built kitchen, a Sustainable Garden, Library, Computer Room, Music Room, Canteen, two covered assembly areas and a uniform shop. In 2024 the school comprised of 13 primary classrooms, 2 Pre-primary classes and 4 Kindergarten classes. About 80 students attend the on-site Language Development Centre.
The student population at East Maddington Primary School includes students from around 16 non English speaking backgrounds with at least thirty languages other than English spoken at home. Student numbers have stabilised at around 420.
The Western Australian Government has committed $48.7 million to establish 16 purpose-built Child and Parent Centres on selected public school sites throughout the State and East Maddington Primary School was selected to host one of these new centres. The school welcomes the opportunity of working closely with the Child and Parent Centre in supporting families and their children from our immediate community as well as through our nearby schools and their communities. The Child and Parent Centre coordinator, appointed by Centre Care, began working on site in 2014 and the building was completed in 2015 and is now fully operational.
Families with young children (birth to 8 years) will have easier access to coordinated early learning, maternal, health, developmental and parenting support services and programs for their young children during these busy and important formative years. More detailed information about the Child and Parent Centre East Maddington can be accessed through the Department of Education website at www.education.wa.edu.au
To work together as a community to support the health, well-being, academic and social successes of our students.
Our school motto
‘Together Inspire Respect’.
To expand our students’ minds through inspiration and engaged learning.
Agonis flexuosa (Peppermint Willow), ‘agonis’ meaning ‘meeting place’.