
Please click on the link below to access the Uniform Policy.

Uniform Policy

Uniforms are available at Lowes Menswear at Maddington Metro Shopping Centre (opposite Commonwealth Bank, at Kmart end). Click here for ordering online. Their contact number is 9452 0380.

Full school uniform is compulsory and is supported by the majority of parents. Download a copy of our school uniform policy.

The navy blue polo shirt, shorts or skort and tracksuit. Students are required to wear full school uniform when they attend out of school activities. Please ensure that all clothing and personal items are clearly named.

Hats are compulsory as East Maddington Primary School has a yes hat, yes play policy. Please label with child’s name. Bucket or brimmed style hats are required for students to play out in the sun.

Suitable shoes include sandals, sneakers or shoes and socks. Thongs or slip-ons are not acceptable for health and safety reasons.

Jewellery: Only small gold or silver sleepers or studs in ears are permitted. Students are not permitted to wear any other forms of jewellery.

Hair (below shoulders) must be tied up at all times. Head lice are a constant problem and it is easier for lice to move from one child to the next if hair is not tied up.

Nail polish and temporary tattoos are not permitted.

Sun Protection

All children are to wear bucket or brimmed hats whilst outdoors at recess and lunch and for Physical Education. Children not wearing a hat are required to remain in the shade of buildings at recess and lunch time. Sunscreen is also provided for students.