School Motto
Our school motto – Together, Inspire, Respect – aims to inspire your child to achieve their very best by developing respectful relationships. We encourage you to be involved in your child’s education, either informally through regular contact with your child’s teacher, or formally through our P&C Association or School Council.
Moral Purpose
The East Maddington Primary School moral purpose is:
‘We work together to make a difference for every child, through respectful relationships and inspiring opportunities for success’.
Be You
East Maddington is a ‘Be You’ school which provides a mental health and well being framework for primary schools and is proven to make a positive difference to the lives of Australian children.
The program helps schools work with parents and carers, health services and the wider community, to nurture happy, balanced kids.
- The best interests of the children are paramount.
- Respectful relationships are foundational.
- Diversity is respected and valued.
- Parents and carers are recognised as the most important people in children’s lives.
- Parents and teachers support children best by working together.
- Students need to be active participants.
- Schools, health and community agencies work together with families.